At Snowy Mountains Grammar School, we cater for male and female residential students in Years 7-12 in a personal and comfortable boarding environment.
The residential facility is a ‘home away from home’, with a majority of the 40-50 students in residence having their own room. This gives students the benefits of community living, whilst still guaranteeing them privacy and space.
The spectacular lakeside location nestled in the mountains guarantees an environment in which to grow and develop that is safe, clean and healthy. Few schools can match the natural ‘playground’ that our boarding students call home.
The boarding house is located centrally within the school and is the core of the school community. Residential students are encouraged to become involved in the local community sports and activities, as well as to mix freely with the local students and their families.
On school day evenings, residents have access to all the school’s facilities, including wireless internet access for personal laptops. Staff supervise the two-hour evening study period, so that help is on hand if a student requires support.
At the weekends, students have the option of returning home via the bus service provided to Canberra, or to remain at the school and enjoy the program of activities. In summer months, these activities may include swimming trips, shopping excursions in Canberra and paintball. In the winter, the weekends offer two extra days of snowsports!
With residents coming from all over Australia, the boarding house at SMGS is large enough to foster growth and self-confidence, but small enough to notice and cater for individual difference.
With up to 50 teenagers in the house, we take catering seriously. We firmly believe that our residential catering is amongst the best in NSW. Our kitchen is run by a local independent catering company, owned and managed by an experienced executive chef. Their brief is to provide a healthy, wholesome, balanced diet for the residents, which is reflected in the overall health and vitality of our residential students.
Boarding @ SMGS
Snowy Mountains Grammar School was named as the 2018 Boarding School of the Year at the Australian Education Awards.

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